Sharing's Caring

Thank you to everybody who has shared this blog. Sharing is the way these things work, otherwise I'm justing talking to myself. If you like what you read please tweet, Facebook or email it to your mates. The more people outside our agricultural circle we can reach the better. Don't forget to have a look at the other blogs I'm following too. Everyone has a story to tell.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Golden Rules of Farming Part 9

These ones took a while, until I stumbled upon the idea of asking Twitter for help. Why it took so long to ask I have no idea, but judging by the replies, the next 25 should be up in about twnety minutes. Maybe.

201. By the time you yell "COME BEHIIIIIIIIIINNNNND!!!!!" the damage is already done.

202. By the time you can taste the dead goat in the house well, it's too late.

203. It's a good idea to test the lifting capacity of the ute winch before being lowered down the well on a bosuns chair.

204. Never underestimate the gripping power of clenched buttocks on the bosuns chair.

205. The less expensive the guard that you fail to notice has worn away, the more expensive the part it was protecting.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Stand up for Live Exports


This post is now redundant. The day was a great success, and you can read about it HERE

Not quite two weeks ago I sent out a simple email calling for a counter rally to one being planned against live exports on the Stirling Bridge, Fremantle on the 18th November. I expected maybe 50 people to turn up with us to stir things up a bit.

 But apparently, everyone has had a gutful.

The response has knocked me for six. So while I originally intended to do this on the quiet, it’s gone past that now. This post is purely to serve as an information point for our little gathering.

 If anything I’ve written here, on Facebook, or on Twitter since I started this little adventure back in 2011 has made you laugh, nod, smile or just think a little differently, please, join with us on Sunday, 18th November.

 Everyone is welcome to come and show your support for the farmers, the truckies, the stock agents, the yardmen, the jackaroos, jillaroos, feed mills, hay and grain growers, feed lotters, vets, AQIS officials, shearers and all the other support industries involved.

 Thank you.

Michael Trant

Below are the details emailed to everyone. This post will be updated as required, with most recent info at the top, just below this introduction.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

So Sue Me.

All tough and brave while the other blokes not looking.
One of our last litters of puppies was all female except for a single boy. It was Gemma's idea to name him Sue, and much to our worker mans disgust, he even has a bright pink collar. The plan being of course, as per the song, he would grow up to be big and tough and strong. Instead, he's a big dopey oaf, but not to worry. So for fun, and with much apologies to the late, great Mr Cash, the following is in honour of our Dog named Sue.

Sold to my boss soon as I could see
Cos my parents owners couldn’t handle me
Had too many dogs and not enough cattle to do
Now I don’t blame him cos he took the bid
But the meanest thing that he ever did
Was day I got born, he went and named me Sue.

Well he must o thought that was quite a joke
And it got a lot of laughs from the country folk
As my Boss and I worked the district through.
Farmers would laugh and I’d see red
And when they did I’d piss on their leg
I tell ya, life aint easy for a dog named Sue